
The heroic and equal ally of Achilles, with an inglorious end in the Iliad.

With this name there are two heroes of ancient Greek mythology.

1. Ajax of Telamon, the son of the king of Salamis and Perivia, brother of Teykros. Because he was huge in stature, he was named the Great. He is considered with Diomedes the second heroic heroes of the Trojan war after Achilles. He alone removed the Trojans when they approached the Greek ships and almost burned them. He also faced Hector in a duel. After the death of Achilles he demanded to be given the hero's weapons. Eventually, however, Odysseus won them with the help of Athena. Ajax felt insulted, throw himself on his sword, and committed suicide. There is also the view that he was crazy and thinking that he was killing his enemies, he rushed over the sheep of the Greeks and strangled them. When he came along, he felt so shameful that he was thrown on his sword and committed suicide.

2. Ajax of Locris, son of Oileas, king of Locris. It was also called Ajax the Little, unlike the Great one. He was also an excellent warrior and after Achilles, fastest runner on his feet. He was defeated by Poseidon because of his insolence. Another variation of the myth says he insulted the daughter of Priam Kassandra in the sanctuary of Athena and caused the goddess to wrath.