
The musical creator of the walls of Thebes, who paid dearly for his pride against the gods.

He was a twin brother of Zethos. The two children were born from Zeus and Antiope, the daughter of the god river Asopos . Their mother gave birth to mount Kithairon and they were raised by shepherds.

Ancient Greeks considered him one of the greatest musicians of the time. They were saying that his brother Zithos had brought huge stones to Thebes. Amphion began playing his seven-track lyre with such an enchanting way that the stones were assembled on their own. Thus, the famous walls of Thebes with the seven gates, as well as the strings of the lyre, were built.

The two brothers killed the king of Thebes Lykos, because he tortured their mother, and they took his kingdom. Amphion married Niobe and had six sons and six daughters. They were both very proud, because they had many children and they spoke contemptuously about Leto, who only had two children with Zeus, Apollo and Artemis. For their arrogance they were severely punished. Apollo killed their boys and Artemis the girls.

For their arrogance they were severely punished. Apollo killed their boys and Artemis the girls.