
The immortal brothers of the sky and their adventure in Greek mythology.

(Zeus + kouroi = sons of Zeus): the so-called twin sons of Zeus and Leda, Castor and Pollux. They were brothers of beautiful Helen and Clytemnestra. A younger legend states that Castor was the son of mortal Tyndareos, husband of Leda, and Zeus' son Pollux. That is why Castor was mortal Pollux an immortal.

The Dioscuri were considered heroes very bold. They had taken part in the Argonautic campaign and the hunting of the Kalydonian boar. They stole the daughters of Leucippa Ilaira and Phoebe, and married them. They once quarreled with Idas and Lygeus, sons of Aphareus. During the fight between them, all four were killed. Pollux, who was immortal, did not at first accept the immortality offered by Zeus, in order not to be separated from his brother. Eventually he retreated on the condition that each of them would live separately from the other, one day in the Under World and one in Olympus. So they shared immortality.

The worship of the Dioscouri began in Sparta and their symbols were two rods and snakes. Then it was spread throughout Greece, where they were worshiped as protectors of all competitions, especially the equestrian, because we must note that Castor was such a great rider, as Pollux was a great boxer.

In the symbols mentioned above we have to add a few others: horses, wreaths, palm branches, pits, stars, roots, etc.

In theis honour, the Dioscuri were worshipped in Delphi , but the most important celebration was the Theoxenia.